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Располневшая блогерша похудела вдвое: фото красотки

Располневшая блогерша похудела вдвое: фото красотки

В 2014 году Ариана весила 126 килограммов.

Жительница Новой Зеландии по имени Ариана Омипи, которая неоднократно набирала лишний вес из-за приступов голода, уменьшила желудок и похудела вдвое.

В 2014 году Ариана весила 126 килограммов, и уже за 11 месяцев похудела вдвое благодаря правильному питанию. Тогда 24-летняя девушка поделилась результатами трансформации тела в Instagram и обрела популярность. Однако к началу 2018 года она набрала 68 килограммов лишнего веса, скрывая это от сотни тысяч подписчиков.

“Я даже не могу описать, насколько это съедало меня изнутри. Я испытывала постоянный голод, который могла подавлять лишь временно, — вспоминает Омипи в комментарии The Sun. — Я ела огромными порциями, но все равно оставалась голодной и возвращалась за добавкой, а иногда даже готовила себе новое блюдо”.

Тогда девушка обратилась за помощью к врачам, ей провели рукавную гастропластику — операцию по уменьшению объема желудка хирургическим путем. Благодаря тому, что желудок уменьшился на 90 процентов, она быстро пришла в прежнюю форму. Для поддержания веса она дважды в неделю занимается с персональным тренером, комбинируя силовые тренировки с кардио.


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Post workout hydration 💦 One of the most important things in my day is ensuring I hit my water target (which right now for me is 2-3 litres)👌🏼 Often my head hunger or “feeling hungry” is a sign of my body being dehydrated and craving water 😱 ⁣ ⁣ Having my @qt.foryou crystal water bottle on hand means I am constantly sipping on water to avoid eating when my body doesn’t need food 💕 I have the clear quartz crystal bottle which is designed to heal and purify the skin, bring the body to balance and free the mine of negative view points too ✨ If want to buy one you can use the code ARIANA15 for a huge 15% discount 🙌🏼⁣ #sponsored

Публикация от Ariana Omipi (@arianaomipi)


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There is no failure except in no longer trying. Never never never give up 💕 I constantly have to remind myself how far I’ve come with my journey. And as I get closer and closer to the 1 year mark post gastric sleeve surgery, I think about how different my life would be right now had I not made the decision to choose this path. I remember being so scared of sharing this journey and having hesitations for fear that I would be judged but I had to let go of those and allow myself to make my own decisions rather than let myself be influenced by the judgement of others. I knew that it would was beneficial for my future health and happiness and I worked incredibly hard to ensure its success. Had I not, I wouldn’t be where I am today. 🙌🏼 Remember that when making decisions because at the end of the day, no-one has to live with the consequences of them but you ✨

Публикация от Ariana Omipi (@arianaomipi)


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It’s been a while since I’ve posted a before and after. With all the attention from the previous ones, I’ve found it difficult to share one again. It’s always hard when you’re constantly working on self love to have people critiquing your body, loose skin and sometimes even your happiness. But I know that there are those of you out there who are going through the same journey as me, who have had VSG or who are working on self love. I believe it’s so important to focus on your own individual journey but also to celebrate every single milestone you hit whether that’s a weight loss goal, fitting a goal outfit or even just recognising how far you’ve come mentally. 💕 For those of you who may be new, I had gastric sleeve surgery on March 14th 2018. This surgery has completely transformed my life and helped me to control my portion sizes. Along with a balanced diet and regular exercise I have seen incredible changes in the 9 months since surgery. ☺️ I’m 168cm tall and started with a weight of 126 kilos (278 pounds). I am currently 68 kilos (150 pounds). 68 kilos was my absolute goal weight but never something I thought I would achieve or be at and I feel so PROUD that I am at this milestone despite the fact that I haven’t had a big focus on watching my weight or the scales. 🙌🏼 I think I’ve seen the biggest change over the last couple of months with my body. Especially since working out with @h.feaver_er at the @theexerciseroomnz. When I first started my journey I was generally a size 24 with measurements of bust 110cm, waist 100cm, hips 145cm . I’m currently sitting at a size 10 with measurements of bust 87cm, waist 68cm, hips 105cm 💕

Публикация от Ariana Omipi (@arianaomipi)

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